Employing your own personal assistant affords maximum flexibility but does require more oversight and involvement than other types of support, as you legally become the employer of the individuals that provide support to you.
Whilst at first this can sound daunting, many individuals find that employing personal assistants provides ultimate control over how support is delivered and they benefit significantly from the freedom this brings.
As the budget owner or authorised representative, you are in control of the recruitment and employment process, and are responsible for ensuring that the arrangements you make comply with both your budget agreement and any relevant employment legislation.
Our Independent Living Advisors are on hand to guide you through this process and advise on the steps that you need to take to ensure the arrangements you make are safe and in line with your DP agreement.
The benefits of receiving support from a personal assistant
If you choose to employ a personal assistant to provide support, you have the flexibility to recruit individuals that you feel can best help you to meet your care needs.
As you are the employer, you are able to:
- Tailor the support your employees provide
- Choose the hours that they work
- Ensure continuity of support and build a working relationship with the individual
- Recruit to meet your individual requirements e.g. PA gender, skills, personality
Other considerations when employing a personal assistant
Whilst receiving support from a personal assistant provides the most control and flexibility, it does mean you take responsibility as an employer and need to consider additional factors including:
- You will need to arrange cover for your personal assistant when they are unavailable due to sickness or holidays
- You take on the responsibility of being an employer
- You are responsible for the recruitment process, which can take time to complete successfully
Employing personal assistants
There are a number of key steps to employing personal assistants - the below summary is designed to help ensure the arrangements you put in place are both safe and comply with all relevant employment legislation.
It may be that you already know, or have identified the individual you wish to employ as a personal assistant. In this instance you still need complete a number of the stages below, to ensure the support you receive is safe and aligned to your agreement with your funding authority.
If you require assistance with any stage of the process, please contact your Independent Living Advisor who will be happy to assist.
You may also find it useful to look at some of the resources in the right-hand panel.